Lucas Hermans
Lucas Hermans is a medical doctor with an interest in internal medicine and infectious diseases and is working in South Africa as a researcher and PhD student, supervised by Dr Annemarie Wensing and Monique Nijhuis at the University Medical Center Utrecht (Utrecht, The Netherlands). The main topic of his PhD project is monitoring of antiretroviral treatment in resource-limited settings, and consists of several translational and clinical research projects.
Lucas is the on-site coordinator at Ndlovu Care Group for the ITREMA randomized controlled trial, and is also a visiting researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (Wits RHI, Johannesburg, South Africa). He is the first author of several peer-reviewed publications and has presented his work at several international HIV conferences. It is not often that young scientist like Lucas get the opportunity to present their work at world-renowned Conferences as CROI in Boston USA.